Jumat, 23 November 2012

Funny Or Fact (Collection1)

What really matters in a relationship? Retweet = personality. Favorite = looks. Lets see who wins!
:S :C :H :O :O :L You can't find happy faces.
If school isn't a place to sleep then home isn't a place to study.
Boys lie more, but girls lie better.

A good neighbor is someone that doesn't put a password on their Wi-Fi.
Girls fake smiles. Guys fake feelings.
Reasons to get out of bed: Food.
That moment when you get up really fast & can't see anything for 5 minutes.
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1Advice-Take care, 1Request-Don't change, 1Wish-Don't forget me, 1Lie-I Hate You, 1Truth-I Miss U, 1Hope-We will always be Good Friends
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My phone is like my lover... It's the last thing I see at night, and the first thing I wake up to ever morning!
I sleep less, I'm tired. I sleep more, I'm tired. Life is impossible.
I want to lose weight, but I hate losing.
Your heart says "yes", your head says "no", and you say "i dont know."
Me: I'm happy right now. Life: Lol one sec
80% of smokers began smoking before the age of 18.
The hardest thing is having to choose between internet and sleep.
I love sleeping but I hate going to sleep.
First you care. Then you get hurt.
Cut off fake people for real reasons, not real people for fake reasons.
Relationships end.... but feeIings continue.
That annoying moment when you cant skip a youtube ad.
Relationships last longer when everybody doesn't know your business.
The bedroom is the most common place to have sex. Next in line is the car
I go to a school where the students are higher than their grades.
When I'm alone I think...and think...and think..and think...and think.
Some people are Hot. Some are Cool. And I'm at Room Temperature.
Before Social Networks…. I actually had a life.
Some people are more interested in other people's life than their own.
Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do.
Save your heart for someone who really cares.
Good people often care too much for those who don't really care for others.
Never run away from your problems. Believe me, your problems can run faster.
We act like a couple, but I don't get why aren't we together yet.
If you don’t want me now, don’t miss me later.
I’ll stop being so lazy when being so lazy stops being so awesome.
Oh, you're a model? What's your agency? Instagram?
I'm not an alcoholic, the drunk life is just easier.
Just because I'm smiling, doesn't mean I don't want to hit you in the face.
I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later.
A childhood virus left Rob Lowe completely deaf in his right ear. "No stereo for me" he says "It's a mono world".
Friends are like boobs, some are small and some are big, some are real, and some are fake.
Say No to drugs. Say Yes to twitter.
Friends come and go but music is always there.
Its hard to be a good person when everyone is so stupid.
A picture speaks a thousand words. But with Photoshop, it tells a thousand lies.
Dear God, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you. But simply to say thank you, for all I have.
My life, My choices, My problems, My mistakes, My lessons. Not your business, mind your own problems before you talk about mine!
It's never a mistake. It's always a lesson.
Trust is the hardest thing to find and the easiest thing to lose.
A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything.. no secrets and no lies.
Yeah. I'm WEIRD. (W)onderful, (E)xciting, (I)nteresting, (R)eal, (D)ifferent ;)"
"Age is just a number" and jail is just a room.
Girl language: Go away = Come back. I hate you = I love you. I'm fine = I'm not okay.
Short guy + Tall girl = Best joke ever
I wish my eyes could take pictures.
Stop trying to find a rewind. It's life, not a movie.
I hate people who steal my ideas, before I think of them.
"Can I see your phone?" Does not mean- "Can I see your messages?"
My head says go to the gym, but my heart says eat more ice cream.
Will you go out with me? (a) Yes (b) a (c) b
I die a little inside when I see an old person eating alone in a restaurant.
Oh, I understand. I just don't care.
Fine = The most dangerous word a man can hear at the end of an argument.
I wish my phone never ran out of battery and my fridge never ran out of food.
Dear Toilet! Please Flush!!!! Sincerely, at my girlfriend’s house.
I'm the type of person that wants to get good grades, but doesn't want to study.
Night before school: I want to look attractive tomorrow. Morning of school: Nevermind.
That awkward moment when you remember something funny, and can't stop smiling like an idiot.
I need you. I want you. I love you.... Food.
Similarity between FACEBOOK & JAIL: In both cases people sit, waste time and write on Walls!
Dad joined facebook. Kid`s status update: "Dad on FB, wtf!" Dad commented, "What is wtf?" Kid replied him, "Welcome to Facebook!"

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